
 魔术铺   2023-09-04 16:02:02   0 人阅读  0 条评论





On March 28 at 8:30 pm, the United Nations will switch off its lights in support of Earth Hour.

We do this each year to call attention to the need for climate action now, and the brighterfuture that lies ahead if we act together.

Climate change is a people problem.

People cause climate change and people suffer from climate change.

People can also solve climate change.

This December, in Paris, the UN is bringing nations together to agree a new universal andmeaningful climate agreement.

It will be the culmination of a year of action on sustainable development.

By turning out the lights, we also highlight that more than a billion people lack access toelectricity.

Their future well-being requires access to clean, affordable energy.

With lights being switched off around the world, WWF’s Earth Hour shows what is possible whenwe unite in support of a cause.

No individual action is too small; no collective vision is too big.

This is the time to use your power.

Join the global movement to change climate change.

Join Earth Hour on March 28 at 8:30 pm.

Together let’s make climate change history.

Thank you.







Thank you for your very kind words and for your trust. I am deeply moved by your tributes.

Serving as Secretary-General of this great organization, has been a great privilege for me of a lifetime.

As some of you said, I am a child of the United Nations.

After the Korean War, UN aid fed us. UN textbooks taught us. UN global solidarity showed us we were not alone.

For me, the power of the United Nations was never abstract or academic.

It is the story of my life, and many Korean people. It is a story of many millions, and millions of people around the world, many children, young boys and girls.

This profound appreciation grew even stronger every day during my service with the United Nations.

For the past ten years, I have been honoured to serve alongside the many courageous, dedicated and talented women and men of the United Nations.

I have seen the power of international cooperation in taking on our most pressing challenges.

And I have seen the United Nations open its doors wider than ever to civil society and many partners to help us transform our world.

Together, we have faced years filled with challenge:

The worst financial collapse since the Great Depression.

Eruptions of conflict and uprisings for freedom.

Record numbers of people fleeing war, persecution and poverty.

Disruptions brought by disease, disasters and a rapidly warming planet. This turmoil tested us. Despite huge difficulties, we helped save lives and protect tens of millions.

The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the Paris Agreement on climate change have opened a pathway to a safer, more just and peaceful world for all of us.

The empowerment of women took great strides during these years. Youth took on new levels of leadership. New mindsets took hold.

Day by day, brick by brick, we built stronger foundations for peace and progress.

Yet, so much suffering and strife endure.

So many women and children face violence and exploitation. So many people face hatred solely because of who they are.

And so many problems have proven intractable - none more than the bloodshed in Syria and the upheaval it spawned.


Les pays sont plus interdpendants que jamais. Les conomies sont plus intgres que jamais. Les personnes sont plus interconnectes que jamais.

Affirmer que des solutions internationales servent les intrts nationaux semble une vidence.

Et pourtant, nombreux sont ceux qui remettent en question les institutions mondiales, les considrant comme dtaches de la ralit et impuissantes agir.

D’autres, nombreux aussi, y voient un dficit d’autorit croissant l’chelle plantaire.

Tous, o que nous soyons, avons le droit de vivre l’abri du besoin et de la peur C le droit d’envisager l’avenir avec espoir C et le droit de nous considrer comme lis par les normes consacres dans notre Charte fondatrice.

Ces buts et ces idaux ne sont pas un luxe ou une monnaie d’change. Ils sont ce que les peuples rclament et mritent, non dans un avenir lointain, mais aujourd’hui mme. Ils sont aussi pertinents pour les habitants des pays les plus riches que pour ceux des pays les plus pauvres.

Ces principes doivent continuer d’animer et de guider nos travaux.

Tous, nous devons dpasser les intrts nationaux triqus, dans un esprit clair par le souci du bien de la communaut internationale que nous sommes.

As I contemplate how well we have upheld that responsibility across a decade in office, a kaleidoscope of faces is at the forefront of my mind -- memories of my visits to the frontlines of human need and the frontiers of human progress.

I have maintained a focus on people’s dignity and rights -- the pillars of our common humanity.

I have sought to stand up for the vulnerable and those left behind today.

And I have tried to be sure that we are doing all we can so that future generations can live in peace.

Even as I prepare to leave, my heart will stay as it has since I was a child C right here with the United Nations.

And that heart is greatly comforted knowing that I am passing the baton to Secretary-General Antnio Guterres, a man of integrity and principle.

I have no doubt that he, with his passion and compassion, will successfully navigate many complex challenges and steer the Organization to new and higher heights.

I would also like to express my most profound appreciation to my home country, the Korean people and the Government.

Their wholehearted support for the past ten years has been a great source of encouragement in working proudly for peace, development and human rights across the world. I also take this opportunity to express my deepest thanks to Deputy Secretary-General Jan Eliasson for his outstanding leadership and compassion for humanity. Thank you, and thank you to many other hardworking staff.

In closing, I wish the new Secretary-General, and all of our Member States, peace, prosperity and every success.

It has been an honour to serve our United Nations, and work together with you, and for “We the Peoples”.

I thank you all for your support and your continued commitment to the noble purposes and principles of the United Nations.

Shukran jazeelan, Xie Xie, Thank you very much, Merci beaucoup, Spasiba bolshoye, Muchas gracias, Thank you.









同僚对潘基文的评价是:勤奋、沉稳,具有出色的口才和非同寻常的记忆力。 在告别演讲中,他以四个“原则”总结了自己过去10年的工作。





















Dobriy Viecher Sochi!

I am Ban Ki-moon, Secretary-General of the United Nations.

My warmest greetings to IOC President Honorable Thomas Bach and all those gathered for the22nd Winter Olympic Games!

The Olympics and Paralympics bring out the best in athletic achievement.

The Olympic Flame also illuminates hope for our common humanity.

Even in the cold winter weather, barriers between people melt away.

The Olympic spirit prevails: Fair play. Mutual respect. Friendly competition.

Let us take that spirit and spread it around the world.

For peace – and a truce between all warring parties around the world. For human rights and anend to discrimination. For a life of dignity for all.

Together, let us celebrate sports and solidarity.

Spasiba. Thank you.


Secretary-General’s Message on United Nations Day


24 October


Dear friends,


United Nations Day is a chance to recognize how much this invaluable Organization contributes to peace and common progress.


It is a time to reflect on what more we can do to realize our vision for a better world.


The fighting in Syria is our biggest security challenge.


Millions of people depend on UN humanitarian personnel for life-saving assistance.


UN experts are working hand-in-hand with the Nobel Peace Prize-winning Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons to destroy Syria’s stockpiles.


And we are pushing for a diplomatic solution to end suffering that has gone on far too long.


Our most urgent development challenge is to make sustainability a reality.


The Millennium Development Goals have cut poverty in half.


Now we must maintain the momentum, craft an equally inspiring post- development agenda and reach an agreement on climate change.


This year again, we saw the United Nations come together on armed conflict, human rights, the environment and many other issues.


We continue to show what collective action can do. We can do even more.


In a world that is more connected, we must be more united.


On United Nations Day, let us pledge to live up to our founding ideals and work together for peace, development and human rights.


篇8: 联合国秘书长潘基文国际志愿人员日致辞中英

As we celebrate the impact of volunteers on our world, let us remember the many places they are needed: in war zones and classrooms, in hospitals and homes – wherever struggling people seek a helping hand.


Let us also remember that volunteering can embrace all people, from the activist who works full-time for a cause to the occasional citizen who reaches out when he or she can. Each sets an example of the spirit of compassion we need. Each makes a valuable contribution to reaching our common goals.


The timeless act of volunteering in the service of others has taken on new dimensions in today’s digital age. Anyone with an Internet connection or a mobile phone can make a difference.


I applaud all people who volunteer each year for the benefit of their communities. I am especially grateful to the 7,700 United Nations Volunteers who support efforts to prevent conflicts, help societies recover from fighting, promote sustainable development, assist in crisis situations and carry out numerous other projects for the greater good. Their work has advanced the Millennium Development Goals, and I am confident they will also contribute to the progress on the post-2015 development agenda.

我赞扬所有每年为社区服务的志愿者。我特别感谢7 700名联合国志愿者,他们促进冲突预防,帮助社会摆脱战争,他们推动可持续发展,在危机局势中提供援助,并开展各种项目实现更大的利益。他们的工作推动了千年发展目标,我同样相信他们的工作有助于加快20后发展议程的进展。

Founded on the values of solidarity and mutual trust, volunteerism transcends all cultural, linguistic and geographic boundaries. By giving their time and skills without expectation of material reward, volunteers themselves are uplifted by a singular sense of purpose.


On this Day, let us renew our determination to offer strength and inspiration to others through volunteerism.




















12月16日电 以“互联互通、共享共治——构建网络空间命运共同体”为主题的第二届世界互联网大会16日在浙江乌镇开幕,联合国秘书长潘基文向第二届世界互联网大会发表书面致辞,联合国副秘书长吴红波宣读致辞,致辞全文如下:

我很高兴向所有参加第二届世界互联网大会乌镇峰会的嘉宾致以亲切的问候。我赞赏今年会议的主题:互联互通共享共治,构建网络空间命运共同体。这一主题回应了整个国际社会关于共享互联网的呼吁。不到三个月以前,世界领导人通过了充满远见的2030年可持续发展目标议程,包括关于信息和通信技术以及互联网的一些具体发展目标。我感谢尊敬的 主席在9月份所宣布的一些具体的倡议,来推动2030年议程的实施,

我们现在面临的挑战是要实施这一蓝图,构建更加美好的未来,信息与通信技术和互联网可以为这一全球事业注入动力。我要向 和中国人民表示祝贺,祝贺他们在减贫事业当中所取得的成功,我也欢迎中国继续同发展中国家分享它的经验和知识。






Your Excellency Prime Minister Yingluck ShinawatraITU Secretary-General Dr. HamadounTourExcellencies,Ladies and gentlemen,

I am pleased to send greetings to the Connect Asia-Pacific Summit, and I thank theGovernment of Thailand for hosting.

The Asia-Pacific region is vast and diverse. It has numerous dynamic centres of innovationin manufacturing and information and communication technologies.

Many nations have experienced rapid economic growth. Yet there is stark contrast inprosperity and development between high-income countries and the least developed.

This is particularly true for landlocked developing nations and small island developing states.

Increased connectivity can help bridge this gap.

I am pleased that this Summit will promote the development of innovative ICTinfrastructure. I also welcome your focus on applications that can benefit people everywhere.

ICTs have considerable potential to support sustainable and equitable economic and socialdevelopment.

They can accelerate our efforts to achieve the Millennium Development Goals.

They can help us address global challenges such as climate change.

It is important that we make the best use of technology to empower people with theinformation, knowledge and means to improve their lives. Your Summit can help us achievethat end.

I wish you a successful meeting.

Thank you.


Message on International Day of Commemoration in Memory of the Victims of the Holocaust


27 January


Seventy years ago today, allied forces liberated Auschwitz Birkenau, the German Nazi Concentration and Extermination Camp.


More than a million inmates, primarily Jews, were brutally and systematically killed in the place where the Nazis introduced the monstrous concept of “industrialized murder”. Among the other victims were non-Jewish Poles, political prisoners, Soviet prisoners of war, Sinti and Roma, homosexuals, disabled persons and Jehovah’s witnesses.


Unprecedented in human history, this mass killing was motivated by the perverse, race-based ideology of the Nazis, who sought to track down and kill every last Jew and any others they considered to be inferior.


Humankind united to overcome the Nazi menace. Today, we are being tested again. Minorities everywhere often face bigotry. Sectarian tensions and other forms of intolerance are on the rise. Anti-Semitic attacks continue, with Jews being killed solely because they are Jews. Vulnerable communities around the world continue to bury their dead while living in fear of further violence.


The mission of the United Nations was shaped by the tragedy of the Second World War and the Holocaust. We are committed to protect the vulnerable, promote fundamental human rights and uphold the freedom, dignity and worth of every person.


For the past decade, the Holocaust and the United Nations Outreach Programme has mobilized students and educators around the world to help us achieve these goals. We are grateful to our many partners C including Holocaust survivors -- who have contributed to this work, which spanned 42 countries in the past year alone.


The violence and bias we see every day are stark reminders of the distance still to travel in upholding human rights, preventing genocide and defending our common humanity. We must redouble our efforts to eradicate the deep roots of hatred and intolerance. People everywhere must unite to stop the cycles of discord and build a world of inclusion and mutual respect.




It is a great pleasure to join you for the opening of a new session of the General Assembly.


Mr. President, I wish to take this opportunity to congratulate you most sincerely, once again, on your assumption of the high office of the presidency of the General Assembly. As we work together in the future in addressing global challenges, I will count on your leadership with global vision in meeting the expectation of many people, billions of people around the world. That is to realise a life of dignity for all. You can also count on me.


Excellencies, the sense of expectation is clear. We are on the eve of very important work.We will focus on how to accelerate achievement of the Millennium Development Goals as the 2015 deadline approaches. Business, civil society and the philanthropic community will come together to showcase MDG successes.


We will intensify our efforts to define a post-2015 development agenda, including with a single set of goals for sustainable development that we hope will address the complex challenges of this new era and capture the imagination of the people of the world, as the MDGs did.


I therefore welcome President Ashe’s choice of theme for the general debate: “setting the stage” for the post-2015 agenda.He has also outlined a set of six thematic issues upon which he intends to convene his High-level Events and thematic debates during the 68th session, and I support his decision to do so.


During the 68th session, we will also advance preparations for the Conference on Small Island Developing States, and carry out a range of other important work, aimed at meeting the expectations of a global public looking to us to make the decisions and investments that will build a future of prosperity and opportunity.


There will be important high-level meetings of the General Assembly on people with disabilities and migration.


We will focus on a number of urgent peace and security challenges.


Excellencies, I am also intending to convene a high-level summit meeting on climate change, and I hope you will all fully support it and ask your leaders to participate. The exact date will be decided in close consultation with the President of the General Assembly and the General Committee.


Ladies and Gentlemen, Syria is without doubt the biggest crisis facing the international community, and is likely to figure prominently in the speeches and meetings during the General Debate segment, and rightly so. The Assembly has a role and a voice in our efforts to resolve it and respond to the suffering and I will soon have an opportunity of reporting to, directly after this session is over.


Syria is without doubt the biggest crisis facing the international community, but at the same time we need to look at a broader picture – global development as well as regional conflict. As for regional conflict or peace issues, we will hold a meeting of the oversight mechanism for the peace agreement that the United Nations brokered earlier this year for the Democratic Republic of the Congo and the Great Lakes Region.


The Middle East Quartet -- consisting of the United Nations, the European Union, Russia and the United States -- will meet for the first time in more than a year to support the direct Israeli-Palestinian negotiations that have recently reconvened.









