就找个英文动画片,剪一段2分钟的配就行。在百度上搜下 有很多很适合的,只要找人物不太多的就可以,像狮子王,米老鼠唐老鸭,加菲猫啊 都行。顺便介绍点经验,我和同学参加过这样的比赛,关键有两点:英语口语要漂亮、清晰;要入戏,让别人觉得动画片的原版声音就是你配的。加油啊 祝你成功!
求一段大概2-3分钟的 简单的 英语短片 可以是卡通的 用来配音的 适合一个人用的
这是我以前english presentation上用过的配音片段,是海底总动员的。
刚刚是4个人的,但是全男性的 从影片的第79分钟哪里开始 这段短片有有4分钟左右
A:It's been a while since i have been behind the wheel of one of these
C:First time i've ever been in the front seat.
A:Hey,Rom what took you so long,i thought for sure,you be showing up with some chrome spinners or something.
B:Ha...hah...real funny,i got a 100,000 that says,i can take you call in the next guarter mile.
A:Yeah,you broke that like you got a 100 grand.
B:If me pull off this job,i will,next lights,a 100,000.
C:If we don't pull this job off,we are probbly dead anyway.let's make it a million.
A:I like that,alright,million dollar a quarter mile.
C:Alright then.
D:We only live once,let's do it.
A:What do you say dom?
D:Are we talking or we cacing?
A:Just don't cheat this time.
D:You gotta let that go.
A:You are activities moving.
B:I want the get these money,i am owend.
D:Don't make it too easy for me boys.
B:No ~
A:Not this time,dom.
D:Got you wanted,cnien.
A:Yeah~~owed you ...owed you
D:Good race o'conner.
A:Thanks dom,you don't on the way rich.
C:,Hold on,you can see it,
D:the man right there,he left off the throttle with a mile,you didn't do nothing,he let you win.
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