Natalie Shau 奢华插画欣赏

 魔术铺   2023-03-26 09:58:09   1 人阅读  0 条评论
由立陶宛插画家Natalie Shau为杂志Solitaire完成的一组插画作品。奢华繁复而带有神经质的作品,一同分享给大家。

Natalie Shau is mixed media artist and photographer based in Lithuania (Vilnius). She found interest in fashion and portrait photography as well as digital illustration and photo art.

Natalie Shau 奢华插画欣赏

Natalie Shau 奢华插画欣赏

Natalie Shau 奢华插画欣赏

Natalie Shau 奢华插画欣赏

Natalie Shau 奢华插画欣赏

Natalie Shau 奢华插画欣赏

Natalie Shau 奢华插画欣赏

Natalie Shau 奢华插画欣赏

Natalie Shau 奢华插画欣赏

