用十字缝线法 缝个汽灯罐套

 魔术铺   2023-03-24 02:50:03   1 人阅读  0 条评论

How I make a gas canister sleeveI hope, It is helpful by this flowing steps.Step 1: Make a Pattern for Leather and Cut

Only two types of patterns are needed.One is a donut shape and the other is a rectangle.Step 2: Cut Leather for Upper Parts in a Circle

I used a special tool.Is called a Circle cutter.It doesn't matter if you cut it yourself.Step 3: Edge Creasing on Leather / Prepare for Sewing

I used a divider.Step 4: Punch

I used a divider to adjust the spacing.Important : the number of holes in both patterns should be the same.In my case, there were 45.Step 5: X-stitcing on Leather

One line looked so weak that it sewed two lines at the same time.Step 6: Joining the Top and Side Parts

Put the top and the bottom together.Step 7: Cross Stitch From Beginning to End

Pay attention to the shape and spacing of the stitch.Step 8: Done!

Simple props were created.


