
 魔术铺   2023-02-25 10:32:38   0 人阅读  0 条评论

竹叉做的墙饰教程图解(第3页)I varied the patterns a little on each mirror simply by cutting the skewers different lengths and arranging the patterns just a bit as I glued the sticks in place. {If you use the template above - once you have the sixteen main skewers glued, you can fill in the empty spaces with whatever pattern you like}


竹叉做的墙饰教程图解(第3页)I began by taking two cereal boxes apart and cutting off the top and bottom tabs leaving a rectangle.

竹叉做的墙饰教程图解(第3页)Using a paper cutter I cut the cardboard into 1/4 inch strips.

竹叉做的墙饰教程图解(第3页)The first {inner} layer of the sunburst was made from 29 strips. Each strip was folded and hot glued as shown above. Bend each strip in half and dap a little hot glue on the 'open' end to form a teardrop. Flatten the 'loop' side and dab a little hot glue in the crease to form a 'point'. Holding both ends 'puff' together to create an eye shape.

竹叉做的墙饰教程图解(第3页)Using a teacup saucer as my guide, I laid out the first layer.

竹叉做的墙饰教程图解(第3页)Once I had everything evenly spaced and aligned I dabbed a tiny bit of hot glue onto the touching part of every piece to hold in place. {as shown above}

