一篇棒针编织基础,棒针编织收边的中英文对照教程,可用于毛衣袖口收针,毛衣 腋窝收针和开口手套怎么收针等。非常清楚的收针教程,不需要收针视频也能学会,相信看了这些毛衣的收边织法你一定很容易搞定毛衣收针喽~
*Insert it knitwise into the first stitch on the needle closest to you and at the same time knitwise into the first stitch on the back needle.
*插入knitwise将在第一针针最接近你和进入背部针第一针同时 knitwise。
Wrap as for a knit stitch and draw the working yarn through both stitches to make one stitch which is now on the larger, right hand needle.*
Repeat from * to * so that there are now two stitches on the right hand needle.
**Using the tip of one of the needles in your left hand (here shown using the needle closest to you) **
...lift the first stitch worked over the second stitch worked... ...
...just like regular binding off! ...就像普通约束力的了! ** **
Work one more stitch, then repeat from ** to **.工作多针,然后重复从**至**.
On the inside of the work, the 3 needle bind off looks like this:论工作,3针绑定过这样看起来里面: